"Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life"- Charlotte Mason

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lots of pictures this week!

On Saturday we had the opportunity to go and see 2 bluegrass bands preform, Spring Creek and The Greencards.  It was so neat.  The girls got to see a lot of the instruments being played that we have studied.  The girls really loved the music.  We even downloaded one of the band's albums.  They blocked off the street in front of the stage so people could dance.  The girls danced almost all night with all the other kids there.  We had a blast!

On Sunday it rained here, which doesn't happen very often.  It has been so hot here so it was a nice break from the heat.  We let the girls go and play out in the rain.  We finally had to bring them in when it started to get pretty bad out.  They were soaked but they loved it!
We have been working hard with our studies.  We have been learning about Antarctica this week.  It is a very fascinating place the girls and I have learned a lot!  We are going to take a couple of weeks to study each continent in detail.

We have been reading Greek Myths.  Mackenzie loved this.  She already was curious about it because she loves the movie Hercules.  We have been studying the seasons, proper nouns, money, and we started writing our own book.  The girls made banana smoothies this week.  We also ran some relay races! 

We found an Art Center that has an after school program every Wednesday from 2-4.  The girls went to that this week.  It is supposed to be for 7 years old and up, but Lorel went anyway.  Mackenzie helped her a little bit because it was a little difficult for her.  They did 3D art.  They want to go back next week.
On Thursday the local community college hosted a Staked Plains Round-up.  Chad was home and able to go with us.  We went and the girls got to see ranch animals (including the biggest bull I have ever seen), ride a on a saddled barrel, learn about water conservation, see a sheep getting sheered, and they even got to see a cowboy showdown (the cowboys shot blanks from their guns).  After the round-up we went to the state park and ate a picnic under our favorite weeping willow tree.  We had a good day.
Thursday evening Mackenzie had her first soccer practice.  She really liked it.  She did really well for her first time playing!  Her coach is really nice and likes Mackenzie a lot!
On Friday we went to story hour at our library.  The girls really liked it but I thought that it may have been more for a child that is 4.  So we are going to try it next week one more time and see from there.  The librarians that were in charge were very creative and entertaining.  They read books, did a felt board story, put on a puppet show, and then the girls did a craft. 

We have another busy week ahead next week!  Check out the blog next Friday too!  I post every Friday.


  1. You have a beautiful family Sharee! I really hope you guys can come for Christmas. I miss you!

  2. You impress me more each week! What a great teacher you are! I am so proud of you and what lucky girls to have a mom who does all the things that you are doing. You will never regret this time. Love you!
