"Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life"- Charlotte Mason

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's getting easier!

This week was a little smoother sailing for us.  I think we have found a groove.
It has been easier for me this week.  I think I was just a little nervous the first two weeks.  Now I am really feeling like we can do this!

I read another book about homeschooling.  The author suggested that it not to be called "homeschooling" and that it should be called  home learning or even better world learning.  I liked this!  I really feel like the world is full of learning for children.  Learning happens naturally.  A child just has to be given the opportunity to do so!
We have started learning about the Scientific Method.  We conducted our first simple science experiments this week.  I let the girls observe, compare, organize, hypothesize, test, and apply many different materials.  We experimented to see if milk or water would freeze faster, if hot water or cold water would freeze faster,  if salt water or non-salt water would freeze faster, what would happen if we froze water with oil in it, and what would happen if we froze an egg.  Our findings were interesting and the girls usually hypothesized correctly!
We started studying maps.  We studied the meanings of symbols on the map, the cardinal directions, and different types of maps.  We created a pirates map by dipping it in tea to make it look old.  I printed up a map of Hobbs from our house to a park and the girls had to tell me which way to turn while I was driving.  They also had to follow a map of our house that I drew to find their hidden prize!

The librarian gave each girl a bookmark where she has to read 10 books and they will receive a free carton of cookie dough from Papa Murphy's Pizza.  We are working towards that.  We are constantly reading.  I find that if one of my lessons isn't working, reading is my fall back plan.  The girls love books and it is a great way for them to learn.  We check out tons of library books every week!    

We have been studying the musical instrument families.  I found a cool website that shows a picture of each instrument and it also allows the girls to hear what each one sounds like.  We found musical artists, read about them, and watched some of their music videos.  We looked at Dave Koz, Kenny G, Stevie Rae Vaughn, Itzchak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma and many others. We went to a local music store to check out the instruments in real life.  It was a lot of fun.

This week we had fun dancing to If Your Happy and You Know It, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, The Hokey Pokey, and The Chicken Dance.

We tried to get a tour of the post office this week but we weren't able to.  They told us since 9-11 they don't allow anyone in the back but the workers for safety reasons.  It's a shame because I thought the girls would have learned a lot there.

We went to The Western Heritage Museum in Hobbs.  It was full of old western items.  The girls got to see how things were in the old days.  They had wagons, a old western store, a bank, a saloon, and a tee pee.  The girls had a lot of fun.  We learned a lot.

I'd like to thank you all for your support and your nice comments!  It helps a lot when I have so many people behind my decision to have the girls learning about the world while being in it!  :)


  1. Sharee I just can't wait to read your post every week to see what you girls have been up too. I am so proud of you! I know you are a great teacher for your daughters. Keep up the good work and don't ever miss a week of posting - I love it! Mom

  2. Seriously Sharee, I'm sure the girls are just loving this. You come up with such great activities! I can't wait until Jaxon is older and we can do fun things like this. And thats so awesome about the reading for the girls. I wish I could get one of those coupons :) What a great incentive to read!
